The Chaos Project Archives:
Chaotic Features

Chaotic Features are an integral part of The Chaos Project. This archive contains Chaotic Features created both by myself and by many other gamers, all of whom have my deep gratitude.


Roll Created by: Feature:

01 Name: Ken Murphy
Email: [email protected]
Strength of a Thousand Men. Creature's STR is 3D6+167.

02 Name: Ken Murphy
Email: [email protected]
Bottomless Pit. Creature can swallow a hog'shead-worth of liquid (3D10+22, x10liters)per 5SRs. Creature effectively possesses an endless capacity, but it'll be affected normally by any special features of the liquid; like alcohol's or a potion's POT.

03 Name: Ken Murphy
Email: [email protected]
Hard to Hit. Anytime the creature has a missle fired or thrown at it, or is exposed to shrapnel, it has a chance equal to its POW x8 of being missed completely by any attack that is less than an 01 Critical success. In the case of an 01 Critical success occuring, it will affect the creature as a normal Critical Hit, however.

04 Name: Marko Perälä
Email: [email protected]
Ghostly to (substance) Creature acts is like air to the substance. Broo ghostly to wood could walk through a forest unhindered. Burglaries would be easy. Creatures ghostly to earth or stone are not seen often.

05 Name: Peter Maranci
Email: [email protected]
Radiates Fear. All creatures within 15m of this horrifying creature must make a successful resistance roll of their INT vs their own POW or flee

06 Name: PM Radiates Pain. All creatures within 15m of this creature must make a successful resistance roll of their INT vs their own CON or suffer a -1d100 to all actions

07 Name: PM The creature shrivels and becomes a large rubbery ball of protoplasm which spends all of its time bouncing up and down (-10% to hit because of movement). It has 100 HP, and regenerates 10 HP per round. Once a day it can let out an explosive effect which does 5d6 damage to everything within a 8 meter radius. Armor protects against the explosion damage

08 Name: PM Anything this creature touches becomes invisible for as long as it remains in contact. It always appears to be naked and weaponless. It may also appear to have the power to disintegrate by touch...

09 Name: PM The Stupifier - Any creature within 30m of creature temporarily
loses 1d6 INT

10 Name: PM Damage Reflector: Any damage caused by any non-natural weapon (incuding spells) is ignored, and instead inflicted immediately on the attacker. The damage "reflected" is based on what would get through the defender's armor, not the attacker's. Natural weapons cause normal damage. A Heal spell causes damage equal to double the points in the spell, and cannot be resisted - but is still a touch-only spell.

11 Name: PM Negative Lifeform: Any form of damage (including natural weapons) INCREASES the victim's general (and therefore also location-specific) hit points. They can absorb additional HPs up to ten times their normal value. These hit points may be self-inflicted; for example, the creature may stand in a fire to quickly charge themselves to maximum life-energy. However, if not injured the creature normally loses 1d3 hit points per day, down to (potentially) death. Healing spells are dangerous to this creature; each point of Healing causes 100 HP of damage.

12 Name: PM If anyone orders the victim to do something three times in a row, they must do it

13 Name: PM One finger/tendril/whatever is a hollow tube which can spray a sleep gas with POT = CON, enough to affect up to 3d6 individuals per day

14 Name: PM Able to cast Glue 50 on any non-living thing which can be shut - a door, box, etc. 1d6 times per day. No MP cost nor casting time - this is an effect, not a spell

15 Name: PM Immediately "paired" with another random chaotic creature, which acts as a familiar to the victim

16 Name: PM Being becomes pure Law, with a Chaos-destroying touch

17 Name: PM Becomes pure Truestone

18 Name: PM Experiences intense vision of Cosmic Truth, gain 200% Metaphysics and +90% Oratory and Fast Talk

19 Name: PM Cursed - loses 1% of each skill every ten minutes after sunrise, and 1 point off each characteristic each hour. All return to normal at midnight

20 Name: PM Cursed - as above, but to everyone else within 30m

21 Name: PM Swapper. Able to trade one skill/characteristic/special ability with another creature. Trade lasts one day

22 Name: PM Vampiric healer: can transfer 1d10 of received damage to another via successful touch. No resistance possible, armor does not protect

23 Name: PM Able to become insubstantial at will in 1-round increments; must re-solidify to attack. Able to cast and be affected by spells and spirits while insubstantial

24 Name: PM Able to make a piercing whistle that causes 1d6 damage per round, plus deafening effects. Armor does not protect

25 Name: PM Appears extremely old, but retains abilities of youth

26 Name: PM Able to enter the dreams of others

27 Name: PM Able to see magic - +100% to all chances to cast, -10% visual skills

28 Name: PM Blood is Heal 6 potion, 3d6+6 doses. Automatically activated, one dose at a time, when injured

29 Name: PM Blood is alcohol; always drunk

30 Name: PM Cannot hurt any child (effects either children of own species, of all intelligent creatures, or of all living things)

31 Name: PM Cannot lie (50% chance cannot even lie by omission)

32 Name: PM Conscienceless; able to lie undetectably

33 Name: PM Able to squeeze through the smallest opening

34 Name: PM Gift of tongues; able to speak any language perfectly after being exposed to it for 1d10 rounds or hours or days

35 Name: PM Able to absorb the skill of anyone in their presence; for example, if fighting a master swordsman, is able to use the same skill percentages. The skill only lasts while the target is in their presence

36 Name: PM Perfect Master: all skills at 100%

37 Name: PM Gives birth to 1d6 spawn per season. Each spawn grows into a random Chaos monster

38 Name: PM Rebirth. Victim collapses into a quivering heap, and after 3d6 hours is reborn. At this point all of their characteristic points are totalled, and re-allocated into their new form as they wish

39 Name: PM Must dance whenever they hear music

40 Name: PM Incurable optimist

41 Name: PM Amnesia. The victim loses all memory of their former life. 50% chance they retain basic skills such as languages, and motor skills, otherwise they are completely blank (but re-trainable). 10% chance that their memories might be restored by a future shock. An amnesiac may display a very different personality from their original one.

42 Name: PM Victim has complete awareness in all directions -- virtually impossible to surround or surprise while awake

43 Name: PM 1 or more random hit locations develop a hidden pouch, which can store objects of up to 1d6 x 1d6 SIZ

44 Name: PM Body becomes extremely bouncy. Able to bound huge distances, at 1d6+1 times former Move

45 Name: PM 1 random hit location is completely invulnerable

46 Name: PM Immune to all but mental spells

47 Name: PM Victim dies

48 Name: PM Random characteristic is re-rolled on d100, effect lasts 1d6 days or weeks. Then returns to normal forever

49 Name: PM Horrifying to look at; resist POW 20 every round or be Demoralized while in its presence

50 Name: PM Voice become much stronger and smoother; +20+1d100% to all voice-based skills

51 Name: PM Hair (or equivalent) always floats about as if in a stiff breeze or underwater

52 Name: PM Becomes visual negative of self; all body colors now the opposite of what they were

53 Name: PM Must spend 1d6 hours per day spinning body violently. Able to spin at very high rate without dizziness

54 Name: PM Able to cast spells with no visible effect

55 Name: PM Perfect balance

56 Name: PM One half of victim becomes beautiful, one half incredibly ugly

57 Name: PM Can never let anyone have the last word

58 Name: PM Terrified of a random color

59 Name: PM Unusual insanity: loses all memory, but gains all memory and knowledge of some ancient person slain by Chaos. Victim believes they are that person

60 Name: PM Victim completely loses all distinguishing characteristics, becomes in appearance a completely average, socially invisible

61 Name: PM Victim completely loses all distinguishing features, and no longer
has a face (if applicable). Although it lacks eyes, ears, nose, mouth, etc., none of its senses or abilities are impaired

62 Name: PM Victim becomes count-a-holic; must stop and count aloud any small items which come into its view. If someone throws 97 marbles during combat, it stops fighting and starts counting

63 Name: PM Victim gains power of weather control; in effect can cast Cloud
Clear, Cloud Call, Lightning, Thunderbolt, etc.. Manipulation costs fatigue (if applicable) rather than magic points

64 Name: PM Body becomes totally iridescent; appearance very confusing (-35% to hit), plus unable to hide except in total darkness

65 Name: PM Gain constant twitch in random hit location

66 Name: PM Totally silent when sleeping

67 Name: PM At death splits up into (SIZ) number of miniature versions of itself. Each miniature is SIZ 1, but otherwise has the original's characteristics, skills, and knowledge. 10% chance that all are in Mindlink

68 Name: PM Body transforms into a single, leathery, greasy sinew which coils and bundles itself into the approximate shape of the original and wear its clothes (if any). STR and CON are 1.5 times original. Creature takes a maximum of 1 point from impaling and crushing attacks (slashing attacks normal), and gains 5 points of natural armor. Able to make itself into many shapes. If its two ends can be found, it can be jerked into a straight line and held helpless

69 Name: PM Victim bursts into flame, but does not take damage, is not consumed and just continually burns. 50% chance that this does not cause agonizing pain, 5% chance that victim gains power of flight. Immune to fire damage

71 Name: PM Victim deluded: roll again to choose pseudo-result

72 Name: PM Immune to any weapon that is not straight-edged

73 Name: PM Immune to all natural attacks

74 Name: PM Imune to all non-natural weapons

75 Name: PM Immune to all variable-effect spells (i.e. for which damage must be rolled)

76 Name: PM Takes double damage from natural weapons

77 Name: PM Takes double damage from non-natural weapons

78 Name: PM Takes double damage from non-variable-effect spells

79 Name: PM Unable to walk in a straight line

80 Name: PM Uncomfortable around geometric solids

81 Name: PM Fear of self

82 Name: PM Fear of universe

83 Name: PM Develop extra joint in 1 or more jointed appendages

84 Name: PM Cannot be tied up or restrained

85 Name: PM Cannot go unconscious

86 Name: PM A random substance acts as hallucinogenic drug for victim

87 Name: PM Always succeeds with CON roll for result of injury

88 Name: PM Constant silly laughter

89 Name: PM Always succeeds in making POW gain roll

90 Name: PM Always makes experience and training/research gain rolls for 1 or more skill categories

91 Name: PM Grow an identical new copy of a random hit location, placed randomly against other locations (example: new head, could be at hip, on top of present head, etc.)

92 Name: PM Grow a new hit location of a different species

93 Name: PM 1 or more random hit locations change into that of a different species

94 Name: PM Add a new hit location that victim would not normally have (i.e. tail for a human)

95 Name: PM Grow an entirely new hit location (located randomly) that is like
nothing anyone has every seen before (5% chance it is invisible or can do something strange)

96 Name: PM Telepath: automatic mental (non-subvocal) Mindspeech with anyone they choose

97 Name: PM Attack Telepath: as above, but also able to control victim via a round-by-round POW vs. POW

98 Name: PM Appropriate limb takes form of random weapon

99 Name: PM Able to belch at will

100 Name: PM Flesh-penetrating touch

101 Name: PM Able to walk through walls

102 Name: PM Always perfectly groomed; every hair in place and teeth gleaming

103 Name: PM See dead people (spirit vision)

104 Name: PM Must always do and say everything twice

105 Name: PM Must always speak in rhyme

106 Name: PM Becomes color-blind

107 Name: PM Contracts leprosy

108 Name: PM Gains perfect sketching ability (Craft: Art 1000%)

109 Name: PM Able to smell magic

110 Name: PM Able to see magic

111 Name: PM Able to hear magic

112 Name: PM Able to feel magic

113 Name: PM Able to parry attacking spells with hands

114 Name: PM Bursts into flames every evening and is reborn every morning from the ashes

115 Name: PM Grow hump; able to contain enough water for 2 weeks

116 Name: PM Able to absorb 1d8 points of spell per round and fire them back within the next five minutes

117 Name: PM Able to absorb the injuries of others, regenerating damage at
1d4hp/round. 50% chance this is involuntary

118 Name: PM Mind stealer: able to absorb all memories and knowledge by touch, and retain them for 1d6 minutes/hours/days. 50% chance this power is undetectable by victim

119 Name: PM Able to absorb the power of a magic item and duplicate it. May only absorb power from one item at a time. 50% chance this power destroys the item, which may resist POW vs. POW

120 Name: PM Living crystal: duplicated the power(s) of a powered or unpowered crystal. 50% chance this only works for others, not self. If powered, must be attuned. Crystal POW = POW

121 Name: PM Permanently changes into object most important to them, i.e. if a warrior, becomes magic weapon

122 Name: PM Able to perfectly gauge distance and size by eye

123 Name: PM Able to jump inside other being & attempt to overcome POW vs. POW. If successful, becomes other person and other person occupies old body. Some memories transfer

124 Name: PM Continues to fight on for 1d10 rounds after death, even if dismembered

125 Name: PM Skin becomes random sealed rune metal, gain 1d6+3 natural armor plus metal effects if any

126 Name: PM Grow spikes from 1 or more random hit locations, gain spike attack (1d6 damage)

127 Name: PM Grow stinger(s) from 1 or more random hit locations, gain stinger attack (1d4 - 1d10 damage, plus CON POT poison)

128 Name: PM X-ray vision

129 Name: PM Itch touch: cause itching in touched victims. Itch = CON, victim resists with CON or is unable to do anything for 1d4 rounds but scratch

130 Name: PM Able to create color patterns on skin, resembling moving tattoos. 20% chance confusing at will, maximum minus to hit = 2d20%

131 Name: PM Mute; can only communicate by whistling

132 Name: PM Able to increase SIZ by 1d6 times at will for up to 1d6 rounds/minutes/hours. Concurrent increase in STR and HP (but not CON)

133 Name: PM Blood changes color

134 Name: PM Bones become extremely strong and heavy. Limb hit points unchanged, but 2x damage required to sever or maim

135 Name: PM Gives birth to mirror twin which has (species max - victim's characteristics), i.e. human male STR 14 would have mirror twin STR (21-14=7). They are in Mindlink with each other, and as long as either is alive, the other cannot completely die

136 Name: PM Gelatinous body. Completely immune to piercing weapons. Slashing weapons do 1/2 damage. Crushing weapons x2 damage (splatter effect)

137 Name: PM Spongy body. Immune to crushing weapons, impaling weapons do 1/2 damage, slashing weapons x2 damage

138 Name: PM Become zombie

139 Name: PM Become mummy

140 Name: PM Extreme pain and agonized screams when not moving

141 Name: PM No longer age visibly (but still age)

142 Name: PM One or more hit locations becomes invulnerable for 1d4 hours/day

143 Name: PM Invisible when sleeping

144 Name: PM Invisible all the time

145 Name: PM Gain retractible claws, claw attack

146 Name: PM Death Touch (acts as Sever Spirit) - 10% chance works on self

147 Name: PM Become lightning calculator

148 Name: PM Irresistable to one or more animal or insect species

149 Name: PM Mute

150 Name: PM Must always speak the truth

151 Name: PM Constantly growing large warts (-3 to APP) which harden, fall off, and when peeled each contain a 50 - 200 sp gem. 2d6 warts/week

152 Name: PM Movement rate reduced or increased by 50%

153 Name: PM Immune to spirit attack

154 Name: PM Blood, if swallowed, heals 1d6hp. Able to bite own lip or tongue to heal self

155 Name: PM Extremely sad to see. Resist its APP vs. your INT or cry

156 Name: PM Gain ability to drain 1d6 MP on successful touch and add to self

157 Name: PM Gain ability to temporarily drain 1d4 points from random characteristic on successful touch and add to self (effect lasts 1d6 minutes for both attacker and victim)

158 Name: PM Gain ability to go into uncontrollable spasms that last for 1d6x1d6 rounds when under stress

159 Name: PM All cartilage turns into bone, gain 1 armor point in head

160 Name: PM Immune to all disease

161 Name: PM Immune to all metal weapons

162 Name: PM Cannot interact with metal in any way (goes right through victim without harm)

163 Name: PM Immune to all wooden weapons

164 Name: PM Cannot interact with vegetable material in any way

165 Name: PM Shadow becomes alive, can detach and act as Shade

166 Name: PM Able to command matter - acts as telekinesis on any matter within 30m, STR=INT.

167 Name: PM Always talk in a monotone

168 Name: PM Skin becomes silky-smooth and soft

169 Name: PM Become albino

170 Name: PM Gain perfect time-sense

171 Name: PM Gain perfect location-sense

172 Name: PM Gain Fire/Ice Breath attack, 1d4 x 1d6 damage

173 Name: PM Eyes shifted into spirit plane, disturbing hollows in sockets

174 Name: PM Forever immune to all effects of Chaos

175 Name: PM Can walk on air

176 Name: PM Snore extremely loudly

177 Name: PM Becomes extremely gullible -- believes anything anyone says

178 Name: PM Gain Chaos Touch - bestow Chaotic effect with successful touch, once per day

179 Name: PM Cure disease by touch, 1d6 times per day

180 Name: PM Healing touch, up to 1d12 hit points 1d6 x 1d6 times per day (can/cannot affect self)

181 Name: PM Gain tiny teeth in skin, improve Swim skill by 10%

182 Name: PM Some or all orifices seal up; effects determined by GM

183 Name: PM Become incredibly phony

184 Name: PM Victim no longer speaks birth language

185 Name: PM Unable to perceive opposite/same sex (own species or all species)

186 Name: PM Become big-time whiner

187 Name: PM Lose all sense of humor

188 Name: PM Gain hyperactive/sick/stupid sense of humor

189 Name: PM Gain power to make anyone laugh

190 Name: PM Able to change shape at will

191 Name: PM Becomes incredibly cute

192 Name: PM Can only talk about self in third person

193 Name: PM Sticky touch; anything that touches victim sticks, STR d6 x d6

194 Name: PM Can Ressurect by touch

195 Name: PM Immune to all magical effects

196 Name: PM Grow eyes in back of head

197 Name: PM Gain incredible insight into sentient nature

198 Name: PM Nothing happens

199 Name: PM Gain power to expand jaws and swallow up to 2xSIZ

200 Name: PM Gain deep love and respect for all living things

201 Name: PM Chameleon effect - absorb colors

202 Name: PM Ventriloquism - voice comes from anywhere within 10m

203 Name: PM Yawning disease - victim yawns 1d4times/round, and all within 10m must roll CONx3 or also yawn

204 Name: PM Senses become sense projectors: eyes emit light, ears emit noise, nose emits smells, mouth emits tastes, skin emits vibrations and heat/cold. Extremely confusing, -80% to all actions for victim and all present

205 Name: PM Victim becomes were-animal (determine randomly)

206 Name: PM Victim becomes permanent cross between original form and some other species (determine randomly)

207 Name: PM Gain ability to spin silk, webs from gland on (hit location)

208 Name: PM Gain ability to project scent (ranging somewhere from delightful to sickening) from (hit location)

209 Name: PM Become perfect vocal mimic (Mimic 100%)

210 Name: PM Afflicted with insane hatred of all things Chaotic

211 Name: PM Eyes extrude on stalks if not already stalked. Otherwise, eyes retract

212 Name: PM Everything the victim touches turns to (substance)

213 Name: PM One or more random characteristic(s) of victim begins seesawing, going down one point per day until it reaches one, then going up at the same rate until it reaches exactly double the old score. Repeat forever.

214 Name: PM Jeckyll/Hyde syndrome

215 Name: PM Victim constantly weeps tears of blood

216 Name: PM Victim oozes slime from all pores - 50% chance of vile smell

217 Name: PM Victim becomes pregnant (even if male) - 50% chance offspring has chaotic feature

218 Name: PM Victim is immortal

219 Name: PM Victim is invulnerable except for one substance

220 Name: PM Victim is invulnerable but also harmless

221 Name: PM One of victim's characteristics other than SIZ increases 1 point per day forever

222 Name: PM Victim loses sensation in 1 or more hit locations

223 Name: PM Victim's skin wrinkles heavily, increasing natural armor by 1d6 and decreasing APP by twice rolled amount

224 Name: PM Victim incurs enmity or friendship of one particular element

225 Name: PM Victim falls asleep forever, but dream-form manifests as ghost

226 Name: PM Victim screams and curses uncontrollably a random intervals

227 Name: PM Victim's tongue grows to 1d6 times original size. 10% chance of gaining tongue-whip attack

228 Name: PM Victim turns inside-out - 95% chance of death, otherwise 3d6 damage unabsorbed by armor and -6d6 APP

229 Name: PM Victim becomes completely water-soluable - will melt if hit with water

230 Name: PM Victim becomes stretchy, like Mr. Fantastic

231 Name: PM Victim becomes magnetic - all metal within 5m is attracted with pull of 6d6 STR

232 Name: PM Victim regularly sheds skin like a snake

233 Name: PM Victim produces scent which attracts 1 or more random species. 25% chance that production of scent is under victim's control. There is also a 25% each chance that attracted creatures are friendly or hostile, and a 50% chance that attractees are neutral and behave normally.

234 Name: PM Victim becomes twice the person they were. Re-roll all species characteristcs and add the new results to the old ones. 20% chance that INT becomes fixed.

235 Name: PM Victim's hit locations all become detachable, 1d4 times per day

236 Name: PM All of victim's hit locations detach, but retain mutual feeling and appropriate ability to move. 5% chance that victim's parts are able to fly

237 Name: PM Victim gains Sense Projection for one random sense. 50% chance of being able to control it. 10% chance that projected sense can never return closer than 1d10m to body

238 Name: PM Victim loses all self-respect

239 Name: PM Return to infancy/childhood/adolesence but retain adult knowledge and INT

240 Name: PM Victim:
A) No longer needs nor is able to breathe, or
B) No longer needs to breathe, but can, or
C) Must breathe 1d4+1 times as much air

241 Name: PM Roll victim's species SIZ again. Add OR subtract roll to or from 1 or more random hit locations. Hit location SIZ of 0 or below may or may not cause death at GM's option

242 Name: PM Living Mirror: Victim becomes shapeshifter, matching appearance of those around it. There is a 50% chance that this process will be under conscious control. There is a 20% chance that victim has the power to mimic not only appearance, but knowledge and powers as well

243 Name: PM Victim becomes autistic

244 Name: PM 1 or more random hit locations change color

245 Name: PM Victim begins to age backwards

246 Name: PM Victim's fingers can be broken off as delicious cinnamon sticks, but grow back within moments

247 Name: PM Victim becomes a random elemental - body becomes earth, air, fire, water, other

248 Name: PM Victim gains power to fly, if not already able. Determine max speed by rolling 1d6 x 1d6
Means of propulsion (d8):
1 - Feathered wings
2 - Leather wings
3 - Energy/fur/other wings
4 - Anti-gravity effect
5 - Ground effect (emits air somehow)
6 - Grows propeller from random hit location
7 - Roll twice more and combine
8 - Other (something really weird)

249 Name: Will Dean
Email: [email protected]
Fingers, teeth, ribs fuse together, causing shovel-like hands, scary looking teeth, and a hard carapace

250 Name: PM Creature grows invisible new arm, centered between other arms; 20% chance that arm can detach and fly for up to 1d6 rounds/minutes/hours per day

251 Name: PM 1 random hit location grows (1d6 x 1d100)% larger

252 Name: PM 1 random hit location shrinks 1d100% smaller

253 Name: PM One facial feature shrinks or grows

254 Name: PM All bones and teeth glow brightly in some random color

255 Name: PM 1 or more of victim's characteristics waxes and wanes in correspondance with Lunar cycle (thanks to J. Mitzman)

256 Name: PM Victim afflicted with Rage. Effect of Berserk spell. Strikes up to 1d6 times per day, at appropriate times. There is a 50% chance that victim can come out of Rage at will after first round

257 Name: PM Spirit leaves body, becomes ghost). Body turns into zombie. Ghost can possess zombie

258 Name: PM Victim continues to eat and drink normally, but does not excrete (c.f. RuneQuest Companion, "The Smell Of A Rat")

259 Name: PM Victim becomes what they have always wanted to be (but there is a 50% chance that the result is bad/ironic/goes wrong)

260 Name: PM Victim's earholes sealed by membrane; -5% to Listen and all Communication skills

261 Name: PM Teeth grow to double size. Gain or increase species-appropriate Bite attack, lose APP (if human, lose 2d6 APP)

262 Name: PM Produces 1d6 nuggets of gold per day in some way (regurgitate, secrete, shed, etc.)

263 Name: PM Random substance is now required as part of daily diet. 50% chance that ingestion of substance temporarily increases 1 or more characteristics by (1d6 x 1x6) for 1d6 rounds, minutes, or hours

264 Name: PM Skin turns transparent. -3d6+6 APP

265 Name: PM Victim falls in love with every creature seen of appropriate species and gender

266 Name: PM Creature IS harmless!

267 Name: PM Tears gain randomly determined magical effect

268 Name: PM Become two-dimensional

269 Name: PM Must remain upside-down in order to breathe

270 Name: PM Victim develops a sore, which grows over 3d6 weeks. When growth is complete, the sore pops and out come baby spiders/broo/other

271 Name: PM Victim starts growing. Add 1 point per week to SIZ until death, with no limits

272 Name: PM Victim undergoes complete personality change. In every way, their behavior is the opposite of what it was

273 Name: PM Victim contracts cancer, which is fatal with 1d12 months (which should really be the most common effect of exposure to Chaos, anyway)

274 Name: PM Rate of hair growth increases by 1d100 x 1d100 (that's 1 - 10,000!) percent

275 Name: PM Victim's INT becomes Fixed; if already Fixed, becomes unFixed

276 Name: PM Victim changes to a random species. Roll 1d6:
1-2 - Intelligent species
3-4 - Unintelligent species
5-6 - Unintelligent species, but retains INT

277 Name: PM Earthquake Feet: every step the creature takes shakes the ground. Opponents within 30m must make DEX x 5 roll each round to remain standing. Victim cannot Sneak

278 Name: PM Any clothes worn at time of Chaotic exposure become living part of victim's body

279 Name: PM Victim changes kingdom: Animal/Vegetable/Mineral/Spiritual

280 Name: PM Gain hypersensitive sense(s). Roll 1d6:
  1. Sight
  2. Smell
  3. Taste
  4. Touch
  5. Hearing
  6. Roll twice more

The enhancement adds 1d100% to the base for all skills affected by that sense. Enhancements over 50% are so extreme that the victim cannot stand normal stimuli, i.e. normal light is too bright, clothes are agony to wear, etc. Penalties are assigned by the GM.

281 Name: PM Victim changes gender, with a 1/3 chance of becoming either a neuter or hermaphrodite

282 Name: PM Victim grows an additional new mouth on a random hit location. There is a 50% chance each of the mouth being able to talk, eat/drink, and breathe. If the mouth can speak, roll a d8:
  1. Under victim's control, with their voice
  2. As #1, but different voice
  3. Gibbers insanely all the time/sometimes
  4. Self-animated, friendly/hostile/neutral toward victim
  5. As #4, plus casts 1d6 random spells per day
  6. As #4, plus can Command (as in Dune) 1d6 times/day
  7. Can only (pick one) whisper/sing/whistle/hum, plus roll again
  8. Speaks ultrasonically only, or determine new effect

283 Name: PM Victim's INT doubles, but they lose all feeling and emotion. This results in the immediate halving of all artistic and interpersonal skills, including sing, play instrument, dance, Fast Talk, Orate, and Human Lore

284 Name: PM All of the victim's digits divide lengthwise; if it previously had ten fingers, it now has twenty, ten on each hand (and ten toes on each foot, as well). This adds 1d6 x 5% to the victim's Manipulation bonus. Of course, anyone who sees their digits will be repulsed and horrified

285 Name: PM Pain in one limb causes twice as much pleasure in the opposite limb. Example: a thorn in left hand results in extremely pleasant feelings in right hand

286 Name: PM Victim must go through any door which opens within their view. Even if going through means instant death, they are unable to resist passing through any portal which opens before them. They can, if able, turn and go back through the door once through, but this will at a minimum take one round

287 Name: PM 1 random hit location of victim becomes self-aware (in the case of a player-character, the part becomes an NPC). If the head is rolled, some specific part of the head becomes independent: hair, nose, ears, eyes...something.

288 Name: PM Creature begins to exude a mildly pleasant-smelling yellow goo from elbows which heals 1d4 points of specific or general damage per dose if swallowed. Produces 1 dose per hour per elbow.

289 Name: PM In combat, creature makes at least one secretly spectral wound against every enemy. Whether the chaos creature lives or dies, their victims' wound(s) will become infected, and no matter what the treatment the wound will slowly spread. The result is pain and disability, over time.

However, the wound is only imaginary. It can be cured by a Dispel Illusion (xd3), Dispel Magic (xd6), or by overcoming the victim in a combat situation with a Fanaticism spell -- or any spell that seriously alters the victim's mental state in a positive way.

290 Name: PM Creature's fingernails/claws/talons turn orange and become delicious. Anyone within two meters of the creature must roll (CON + INT/2) vs. hours since they've last eaten or become ravenously hungry

291 Name: Trevor Ellis
Email: [email protected]
Severe constipation for several hours after eating. All manipulation skills at -25%

292 Name: Janne Hämeenaho
Email: [email protected]
Creature loses all credibility. Whatever he/she says is automatically considered to be a lie.

293 Name: Tuomas Hautakangas
Email: [email protected]
Endless Banana. This iten looks like a normal banana but if you eat it and throw it's peel of it will reappear in your bag - endlessly and always ready to be eaten. The only way to destroy this annoying banana is to burn it to ashes.

293 Name: Carl Driskell Chicken Broo spits eggs that give random feature to target plus 2d6 damage.

294 Name: PM Creature hair/fur turns a random color

295 Name: PM Creature becomes permanently insane (use CoC tables)

296 Name: Peter Maranci Reverse normal sleep pattern: day becomes night to them and vice-versa

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Copyright 2001 by Peter Maranci. Individual entries are copyright by their respective authors. Revised: March 23, 2001. v.1.1